Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Who likes cats?

Ok fine their cute.

I was so bored so i made some dumb thing up for my blog.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

These are pics from photo booth the "fancey ones" ha! I know I don't look that great but..............
I LOOK UGULY!! and i'm not even looking at the camera.

Susy,Graci and I went to coffeshop home for the afternoon. We had a fun easter activity that Eman prepared. We all wore bunny ears and went for a egg hunt at the park. Here are some of the pictures. Well I don't have pics when we were at the park looking for the eggs but here are some at the house.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Guess what phat means. preety, hot, and tempting. hahaha
My love hes such a cutie!!!!!
Heres a little something i got out of a book.

Kids always tell me that I get good grades because i'm naturally smart. I dont see it that way at all. I mean,if I'm so smart then I wouldn't have to work so hard at getting good grades which I do.
P.S. its not suposed to be me hehe
